The Willow Collective | Byron’s Road to Recovery
The Willow Collective is a group private practice & network of providers in Fort Collins, Colorado with the goal of supporting parental, infant, and early childhood mental health.
The Willow Collective | Byron’s Story “Bending Without Breaking”
Mission: Tell the story of The Willow Collective through the eyes of a family it serves - including a father (Byron) recovering from meth addiction, who is trying to be the best dad that he can for his two kids, Lucas and Ethan.
Success: We captured beautiful footage of Byron playing with his two sons in a park, and then interacting with Mary Beth Swanson, Lucas’s counselor and co-director of The Willow Collective. We also interviewed Byron and Mary Beth. The finished piece captures a patient story that is a true work in progress.
Deliverables: 1 main story, and shorter versions for social media. In addition, we delivered a package of still photos the team was able to leverage for their landing pages and across social media.
This is one in a series of video stories we created for Rocky Mountain Health Plans - collectively shown here.
Client Execution:
Client: RMHP / United Healthcare Agency: Parallel Path
Production Company: Big Pictures Media
Producer/ Director: Tom Miller
Director of Photography: Brook Aitken
Production Coordinator: Maria Sandhei
Still Photography: Teri K Miller